
Global Climate Financing is in the ICU

Video Caption: Best London Corporate
Video Duration: 01 : 35

Pledged Funds Rarely Reach Africa

Imagine if you earned $100 billion every year. You would of course, be the richest human. In 2015 during the historic Paris agreement, rich nations pledged $100 billion a year to help developing countries limit climate change. Despite my prominent role in Africa’s environmental journey, my organization, Environmental Africa, has never been able to tap into these funds. I know, that you may never have heard of this organization. You may therefore feel that probably its not big enough to tap into this $100 billion. While that’s a valid argument, this $100 billion is actually supposed to galvanize the climate competency of even smaller organizations – thousands of CBOs across Africa. Not only are they not accessing these funds, many don’t even know that such funds exist. This has to change.

The global climate financing infrastructure is broken down and must be fixed.  


Millions of dollars must go into massive people-centred afforestation. Let Africans be paid to grow tree to maturity! Photo by DJ Bwakali

COP 27 must meet Africans at the point of their need... and more.

Global Climate Financing must be completely restructured.

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