
Big Pharma Sabotaging a Pro-African Global Pandemic Treaty

Big Pharma Sabotaging a Pro-African Global Pandemic Treaty
Video Caption: 1 Diplo’s 2019 VMAs, Themed Suit

During COVID, we saw how diabolical Intellectual Property Rights protectionism crippled initiatives like COVAX from rapidly scaling vaccine production and distribution to Africa. Millions suffered as a result.

Big pharmaceutical companies from the US and EU are opposing critical parts of a vital global pandemic accord. They want free access to disease info from Africa. This data is ESSENTIAL for developing lifesaving vaccines and treatments.

But when they develop treatments, they hide behind intellectual property rights and want to strictly control who can make and sell them.

This could make it harder for these medicines to reach people in Africa. On the other hand, loosening these controls would allow others to make cheaper versions of the drugs, getting them to more people faster.

But nooo, Big Pharma doesn't want to pay a single cent to African nations providing the raw materials for their billion-dollar products. They arrogantly expect free access while pocketing ALL the profits!

During COVID, we saw how diabolical Intellectual Property Rights protectionism crippled initiatives like COVAX from rapidly scaling vaccine production and distribution to Africa. Millions suffered as a result.

Yet the pharma conglomerates and their enablers in the US and EU keep regurgitating the same falsehoods about IP protection being necessary for ‘innovation.’ What a sickening lie when public funds heavily subsidize their research!

Enough is enough! We cannot allow this vile profit motive to derail a potentially life-saving pandemic treaty. It's unconscionable that corporate greed is being privileged over global cooperation to tackle health emergencies.

If we don't break Big Pharma's chokehold over public health policies, the next pandemic will be even more catastrophic for the Global South. Millions more lives sacrificed at the altar of privatization.

I call on all conscientious citizens to loudly resist this corporate strangulation of a pandemic treaty. Drown out the pharma lobbyists with demands for:

  • Mandatory compensation for pathogen data
  • No IP barriers for scale-up of medicines
  • Public leadership over private interests

Our human rights to health and survival MUST take precedence over rapacious profiteering. If we fail to secure an equitable pandemic treaty, the blood of future victims will be on our hands. Fight back now!

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