
Young Tanzanians Killed by Hamas

Young Tanzanians Killed by Hamas

Let’s honor the memory of Joshua and Clemence by speaking out against the tragic loss of their lives. As people who are pro-Africa, we totally reject the exploitation, discrimination and killing of Africans by anybody at any time.

Joshua Mollel, a 21 year old Tanzanian man is dead. His crime – travelling to Israel in September as an agricultural intern. He had been in Israel for just a few weeks when he was abducted by Hamas. They later executed him in cold blood.

Joshua was the oldest of five children.

Why? They spared other hostages but not him. Why? Does this have anything to do with the color of his skin? If not, then Africans are demanding an answer to that simple question – why Joshua? And Why Clemence? Clemence Felix Mtenga, 22 years old and also from Tanzania, was similarly killed.

Clemence was from Rombo in the Kilimanjaro area of northern Tanzania. He was a horticulture student at Morogoro University and was due to graduate in November 2023.

Her sister Christina spoke glowingly of him, “Clemence was polite, serious and hard-working. He was religious and loved other people.”

Felix Mtenga his father said that his son’s death was a “wound that won't heal”.

When Tanzania's Foreign Ministry confirmed Mtenga's death in a statement on November 18, it didn’t say how he had been killed. But the Israel Government confirmed that the young Tanzanian was killed by Hamas. The Tanzanian Government must escalate this matter to the highest possible levels.

No human life is dispensable because every human life is priceless. That’s why the unspeakable atrocities currently ongoing against civilians in Gaza must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. And that’s why Hamas must also be held accountable for the deaths of these two young Africans. And why did Israel send them to such a risky region of the country? 

Let’s honor the memory of Joshua and Clemence by speaking out against the tragic loss of their lives. As people who are pro-Africa, we totally reject the exploitation, discrimination and killing of Africans by anybody at any time. 

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